Vodafone UK - Official Site 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 有句話說的好『想毀掉一部動畫最好的辦法就是拍成真人版』 喵妹聽到真的點頭如搗蒜!非常的認同! 因為真的被很多真人化作品傷的太深 每次看到某某動畫要拍真人化就會讓人心揪成一團啊 QAQ… 這次遭殃(?)的作品是被堪稱為神作的&rdquEnjoy more of the things you love with Vodafone's great range of devices, bundles, Pay as you go phones and business services. ... We promise your monthly price will stay the same for the duration of your initial plan, if you stick within your allowance....