褲款進化的總和 Publish Brand 第三代 Jogger - "Novelty" Jogg
Vogel im Kafig - Piano Music Sheet [Full Version] - Shingeki no Kyojin - YouTube 隨著第一代與第二代 Jogger Pants 的突破,Publish Brand 為 Jogger pants 展開了全新的戰役! 戰役後蛻變出的 jogger pants 伴隨著全新的新奇 (novelty) 印花圖樣,以更為優雅的姿態為現代都會男士能夠表現的品味與生活態度! 褲款進化的總和 PI watched TehIshter's version of this song and completely loved it! I just wished he did the whole song though. So I took his music sheet and added in the parts he left out as well as brought down the difficulty so that I could actually have a chance at p...