日本超貧乳女翻玩 UNIQLO 附罩杯上衣廣告...好勇敢阿
Circuit Idea/Op-amp Inverting Voltage-to-Current Converter - Wikibooks, open books for an open world 日本連鎖平價服飾品牌 UNIQLO ,本季所推出的女性附罩杯上衣,請來日本知名女星吹石一恵擔任代言,並拍攝相當清新的影片,在全世界大力放送,而當中吹石一恵展現的姣好身材,相信大家也都印象深刻,但日本一名超貧乳女相當有勇氣的翻玩本支經典廣告,所有橋段取景都忠實呈現,貧乳還是有她的市場阿。 就連做伸展How to Transform the Passive Voltage-to-Current Converter into an Active One (Reinventing the Op-amp Inverting Voltage-to-Current Converter) Circuit idea: The op-amp compensates the external losses caused by the load adding as much voltage to the input vo...