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Ogg Vorbis 這位po主是大陸的一位正妹,正妹說一天男友私訊給自己一張iPhone6破損的照片,但她萬萬沒想到...自己驚人的洞察力竟從照片中抓包男友劈腿!!照原PO描述所說,男友跟原po說他出差在外地,手機又壞掉了,不方便接電話傳簡訊,并傳手機壞掉的照片給原PO...但萬萬沒想到,原po敏銳的洞察力從照片中看Official web site of Ogg Vorbis, belonging to Xiph.Org, offers information about the Ogg Vorbis audio format, lists sites which provide music in this format, describes third party software available for playing Ogg Vorbis files, and presents documents for...


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