這不是科幻電影 蓮花 C-01 未來感碳纖維機車
VOSS Still Artesian Water 800ml: Amazon.co.uk: Grocery 經過兩年的規劃,Kodewa 摩托車展日前宣布,世界上第一輛由跑車傳奇蓮花所打造之重機C-01,即將登場,它具有未來感的造型下,結合了強大的V型雙缸引擎,並以碳纖維、鈦金屬以及航空鋼材打造而成,全球限量100台。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉Artesian water is collected from a confined, underground aquifer - a water bearing, layer of sand and rock. Because the water is naturally filtered, it is free of contact with the air and other pollutants. VOSS Artesian Water from Norway comes from an aqu...