vsco cam android app

VSCO Cam | Visual Supply Co【叫你停,你不聽】這下傻了吧~!   VSCO Cam is an iPhone & iPod Touch camera app w/ elegant, minimal processing options. The sleek interface & streamlined workflow enables users to quickly create gorgeous images to share via major social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram....


VSCO Cam - a beautiful photo editing app with amazing filters - AndroidTapp週一上班和周五下班。。。你是這樣的麼?   Install VSCO Cam is a beautifully designed photo editing and publishing tool that offers a refined user experience, dedicated posting platform and dozens of exclusive filters and presets. The app has made its way from iOS after great success. It’s strengt...


vsco cam | Android Central矮油,不錯哦,這個屌!   As promised, VSCO Cam — a longtime favorite of serious iPhone photographers — is now available on Android. This isn't a camera app for everyone. Depending on your taste, it's either dead simple, or so devoid of any telltale buttons and icons you might not...


VSCO - Official Site小朋友們,教你怎樣在家自製小滑梯~ Honored by Apple Profile — Jeremiah Cowan Recently, Apple launched World Gallery, a selection of their favorite images created with the iPhone 6. We’re honored that fifteen of the photographers featured in the campaign utilized VSCO Cam in their creative ...


VSCO Cam 3.2 introduces Copy + Paste batch photo editing | Android Central所謂大學其實就是: 老師假裝講課,我們假裝聽課。 老師假裝出作業,我們假裝寫作業。 老師假裝收作業,我們假裝交作業。 期末,我們假裝考試,老師卻玩真的了…… 有感受的請按讚 !!   For its latest major release, popular camera app VSCO Cam has added batch photo editing, TIFF image import and performance improvements. The new batch editing feature, aka Copy + Paste, lets you make a complex set of edits to just one photo, then copy tha...


遠離行動攝影時代的喧囂:VSCO Cam - Inside 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察覺得自己在2011年11月11日神棍節之前。。。還是單身的請舉手!「Selfie」這個詞指的是手持數位相機或手機自拍,於 2013 年正式被收錄至牛津英語辭典。 Post-process: why the smartphone camera changed photography forever 網路上有人整理出 VSCO Cam 全套濾鏡的效果分類:The best photo editing app for the iPhone...
