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VSCO Cam | Visual Supply Co 漫畫伴隨我們長大,每個人在成長的旅途中,或多或少經歷過徹夜不休、為漫畫沉迷的年紀。走進漫畫店裡,架上的漫畫書種類繁多,有多為男生看的像是獵人、海賊王等少男漫畫、多為女生看的例如尼羅河女兒、淘氣小親親等少女漫畫、或是像是蠟筆小新、名偵探柯男等卡通漫畫。在你心目中,有沒有一部漫畫成為經典,讓你痴痴等待VSCO Cam is an iPhone & iPod Touch camera app w/ elegant, minimal processing options. The sleek interface & streamlined workflow enables users to quickly create gorgeous images to share via major social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram....


VSCO Cam for iOS - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com哈哈~超中肯!! VSCO Cam offers a sleek, sparse design that will appeal to design-minded shutterbugs and pro photographers ... From Visual Supply: VSCO Cam is an easy-to-use iPhone camera app with elegant, minimal processing options. The sleek interface and streamlined ....
