Timberland 攜手10.DEEP 推出2014 春夏Nomads 限量聯名系列登山靴
Moodle Course Online - Online software tutorials, training CDs, Photoshop Tutorials,近日戶外品牌Timberland 攜手美國潮牌10.DEEP 推出了2014 春夏Nomads 限量聯名系列登山靴。該系列分為藍、紅兩款,以Timberland 招牌的Euro 登山靴為原型,麂皮鞋身兩側印有Timberland 的logo,鞋底則選用了耐磨的橡膠,亮眼配色加上簡約大氣的造型讓登山靴Moodle tutorials, Moodle training, learn Moodle, Moodle video training, Moodle training videos ... Moodle, a Learning Content Management System, is an open-source project that you can install and use anywhere! With Moodle you can train or educate users on...