vu meter lm324

Let's to build many VU Meter circuits with LM3914 – Electronic projects circuitsDear Admin, how can I adjust this kind of 10-level VU-meter for controlling a LED strips? I want to make an LED VU-meter wall. LED strips works on 12Vdc constant voltage and they already have a SMD resistors for current limiting. So I need the output sign...


8 LED VU meter made of IC-LM324 - Electronics Area1.老師:大雄.老師給你90元.你再去跟胖虎借10元.這樣你總共有多少錢?大雄:0元。...老師:你根本不懂數學了!!!!!!大雄:你根本不懂胖虎......   2.陳太太剛產下了一對龍鳳胎,從未照顧過小嬰兒的她趕緊向生了五個小孩的王太太求助。王太太喫了口茶,緩道:「久了你就習慣了。我剛8 LED VU meter made of IC-LM324. This circuit can be used to display the variation of an audio signal in a group of 8 LEDs, behaving like a VU meter...

全文閱讀 Blog » VU meter - Electronics Lab - Open Source Hardware Electronic Projects1、美國人的實力:想打誰,就打誰。2、英國人的實力:美國打誰,我就打誰。3、法國人的實力:誰打我,我就打誰。4、俄羅斯的實力:誰罵我,我就打誰。5、以色列的實力:誰心裡想打我,我就打誰。6、日本人的實力:誰打我,我就讓美國打誰。7、中國人的實力:誰打我,我就罵誰。8、台灣人的實力:誰打我,我就叫報紙VU (Voltage Unit) meters are often included in analog audio equipments to display a signal level in Visual Units. We are building a mono input VU meter in this project. You can build one more to use them in stereo mode. Input sensitivity is about 1 Volt r...


10 LED VU Meter Project Circuit using LM3915 and LM324【媽媽的毛】   還在讀三年級的妹妹是個左撇子,有一天老師在放學前出了個作文題目, 作為同學們的家庭功課,妹妹急急忙忙的抄下題目,就收拾書包回家了。 回家後打開連絡簿,才看到作文題是 [ 媽媽的毛 ] ,這下可VU Meters are used in many applications like discotheques to measure the level of audio signals. Here is the circuit diagram and working of LED VU Meter. ... VU Meters are used in many applications like in discotheques to measure the level of audio signal...
