2015 Volkswagen SportWagen / Golf Variant First Drive – Review – Car and Driver突然想到兩年前,謀職時的一段往事......當時我通過了筆試,因為心裡有點緊張,所以在主管面試之前先到廁所去紓解一下。正當我拉下拉鍊,掏出小弟準備洩洪的時候,我發現小便斗裡面有一隻蚊子。一時興起,就朝著蚊子猛力開火。無奈小弟彈道有點歪,沒射中,蚊子飛走了。我也不以為意,繼續洩洪大業,一邊聽著嘩啦嘩啦First drive of the next-generation VW SportWagen, which is likely to lose the Jetta branding. Read the review and see photos at Car and Driver. ... Most enthusiasts have vehicular tastes that are quite different from those of the average buyer. We underst...