w3 sql

Web SQL Database - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)300裝死!!!5 Web SQL User agents must implement the SQL dialect supported by Sqlite 3.6.19. When converting bound arguments to SQL data types, the JavaScript ToPrimitive abstract operation must be applied to obtain the raw value to be processed. [ECMA262]. 6 Disk .....


RdfAndSql - W3C Wiki - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)幾年前法國攝影師 Sacha Goldberger 覺得他在匈牙利91歲的祖母 Frederika 感到孤獨和沮喪,於是他給祖母拍攝了趣怪的名為「Super Mamika」英雄藝術照,這些照片給祖母帶來了莫大的快樂。意想不到的還在後頭。Sacha 隨後在 MySpace 為祖母建立了網頁,不久就有超While SQL databases are sometimes used for StoringRDF (a la Large Triple Stores) it's also quite interesting to take SQL stores that were not designed with RDF in mind and export/expose them as RDF. With SPARQL, the connection becomes even more ......
