Change your Windows 7 taskbar and window color - TechSpot Forums 奶奶說:挑女婿,一定要帶他回家打一次麻將。是什麼樣的男人從他怎麼打牌就看清了。 1 出牌很快,不假思索的男人——他性情耿直,喜歡直來直去,沒心機,以後不會和老婆耍心眼。 2 每出一張牌,猶豫不決的男人——這種男人不能信任,My taskbar is an ugly shade of gray & I'd love to change it to blue,pink or Emerald green. I saw this mentioned in a newsletter I get... ... Thanks Rabbit01. When I first got this W7 pc, I couldn't see much of anything in here so I went to the Basic and H...