「萬人斬男優」清水健大方公開拍片必備「硬好硬滿便當」 網友看完驚呼:我慘了
Everyday Tools | Wacom - Discover Wacom | Interactive Pen Displays & Digital Drawing Ta ▲清水健的獨門秘方啊(source: 卡提諾論壇,以下同) 入行20年,去年突破萬人斬的AV男優清水健,為了保持體態及精力,常常鍛鍊身體外,飲食也是相當重要的一環!他指出「勃O力下降」的原因:「30歲到40歲這段期間勃O力會開始下降,但是比起年齡變大,肥胖的影響會比較大。」(圖翻攝自Improve your touchscreen experience. Anything you can do on a touchscreen with your finger, you can do with a Bamboo Stylus, but you can do it better. Enjoy the natural feel of a pen in your hand as you digitally draw, sketch, take notes, capture ideas .....