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Everyday Tools | Wacom - Discover Wacom | Interactive Pen Displays & Digital Drawing Tablets▲妥善利用隔熱紙阻擋陽光的傷害,除可維護車內乘客的健康外,對於車內溫度的降低也有正面助益。 私房秘招五:週期更換隔熱紙 5年可以考慮換新 為了使車內駕駛看得清外界環境而設計的汽車玻璃,雖具有高透光性,但相對也會增加高熱與紫外線侵入車內的機會,因此妥善利用隔熱紙阻擋陽光的傷害,除可維護車內乘客的健Take digital notes with a personal touch. Chances are you’ve known how to use a pen since grade school, and you’re probably pretty good at it. With a Bamboo Stylus you can free your notes and ideas from the static pages of notebooks and make them ......