Wake (ceremony) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 電影冰雪奇緣的主題曲最近很夯,出現許多不同人的翻唱版本,最近還出現一名泰國混血13歲少女的版本,她的聲音清澈,外型又甜美可愛,被形容就像冰雪精靈在唱歌,讓網友驚艷不已。電影冰雪奇緣的主題由let it go,最近在全球熱唱,在還出現這個泰國混血美少女的版本,才13歲的她名叫詹妮A wake is a ceremony associated with death. Traditionally, a wake takes place in the house of the deceased with the body present; however, modern wakes are often performed at a funeral home. In the United States and Canada it is synonymous with a viewing....