繼Prada的裝屍袋後,LV 又出了款棺材…死了都要fashion!!
The less Americans know about Ukraine’s location, the more they want U.S. to intervene - The WashingPrada裝屍袋,死了都要fashion 去年刷爆了朋友圈,你們還記得麼? ▼ 正當我們討論如何不脫髮 如何到中年不油膩時: Prada出了裝屍袋之後又出了一款時尚鉅作! LV x Supreme緊跟潮流 直接出棺材了是貧窮限制了我的審美嗎? 難道真的要死不起了??? ▼84% of Americans are unable to locate Ukraine on a world map; those that can't are more likely to support military intervention. ... Where’s Ukraine? Each dot depicts the location where a U.S. survey respondent situated Ukraine; the dots are colored based...