WAP Push - SMS Gateway - Web SMS, Email SMS & SMS APIs - SMSGlobal某天小明的堂弟來小明家作客小明:你有看過新電影xxxx嗎?堂弟:看過了,非常好看,你一定要去看!!!於是小明就去電影院欣賞這部電影到了電影院,小明發現這部電影超無趣的心裡很生氣,便呼呼大睡等到片尾曲快結束時,小明心想回去找堂弟算帳但是他突然停下腳步.....因為螢幕的正下方寫著.......親愛的客WAP messages are like SMS, but are formatted to display an alert on the handset and include a link (URL) to direct a mobile subscriber to a web URL. ... Use WAP pushes for Sending functional URLs Video clips and animations Measuring campaign click ......