Movie and TV Wav Central: Audio Sound Clips (mp3 and wav) Files from Popular Movies and Television S我們知道,女生很少會主動用言語來表達自己對男生的好感。所以,身為男性,如果能及時察覺女生的「好感信號」,脫單的機會要大得多! 瞳孔放大 如果眼神相遇,女生表現得羞澀,說明她喜歡他 另外,對視着說話,她的瞳孔會放大(儘管不太容易注意到) 腿的姿勢 交叉的腳踝是A searchable database of wav, mp3 audio sound clip files. Sounds are databased by type, including movies, tv, effects. ... Welcome to TV and Movie Sound Central! Looking for movie and tv sound clips? You've just reached the best sound site on the 'Net. Al...