天才與笨蛋只有一線之隔?!這6個說「答錯好像也不太對」的考試答案! 5 雖然廢到爆,可是根本超有道理
11g Wireless Broadband Router - LevelOne - Quality networking products and solutions for Home, ▲該說聰明還是笨呢?讓人哭笑不得的考試答案。(sourse : lifebuzz,下同) 有時候在考試當中,明明不會寫的題目卻硬要把它寫滿,想憑運氣看老師會不會算對,你也做過這樣的事情嗎?根據lifebuzz分享,這裡有6個超有創意的小朋友考試答案,看了之後保障讓你哭笑不得XDD #6 Chapter 1 Introduction This Chapter provides an overview of the Wireless Router's features and capabilities. Congratulations on the purchase of your new Wireless Router. The Wireless Rou-ter is a multi-function device providing the following services: S...