wcf client config

WCF Configuration without a config file - Stack Overflow 才第一句就要噴飯了... Consuming a web service without a config file is very simple, as I've discovered. You simply need to create a binding object and address object and pass them either to the constructor of the client proxy or to a generic ChannelFactory instance. You can lo...


Generic WCF Service Host and Client - CodeProject 從來都是高手在民間。自從意大利後衛的肩膀被蘇亞雷斯一口咬下之後,網絡上的大神們便開始紛紛出招,拿出他們的PS技術,把蘇亞雷斯徹底地玩兒壞了。更有搞笑商家打出了價格不菲的“蘇亞雷斯開瓶器”。 更多的人則是把他P到了經典電影畫面當中。食人狂魔漢尼拔、經典吸血鬼、大白鯊&hellYou would not use: new ServiceHost(“Test2Service.MyOtherService, Test2Service”, tcpBaseAddress); The service host automatically reads the configuration and hosts each service defined in the custom config section. Once you have the generic host installed ....


WCF Client Overview 超強客服人員,天天都在練脾氣 A WCF client is a local object that represents a WCF service in a form that the client can use to communicate with the remote service. WCF client types implement the target service contract, so when you create one and configure it, you can then use the cl...


Centralizing WCF Client Configuration in a Class Libary - CodeProject This article describes how to put your WCF client configuration in a class library's config file instead of client application's config file; Author: Nejimon CR; Updated: 4 Dec 2015; Section: Windows Communication Foundation; Chapter: Platforms, Framework...


WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe)  看起來真的死的好慘 到底為什麼想不開呢?住在大海里不是好好的嗎.....   好啦大家不要打我>///You can also invoke the WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) outside Visual Studio to test an arbitrary service on the Internet. To locate the tool, go to the following location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\...
