wd elements portable

Western Digital 硬碟、網路磁碟機、媒體播放器長大了...才知道飯菜得珍貴(淚) WD® a long-time leader in hard drive technology designs and manufactures the #1 selling internal and external hard drives and award-winning media players and network drives ... 全球各地顧客票選WD®為年度最佳儲存方案廠商 WD榮獲美國CRN通路冠軍獎與 ......


WD Elements Portable SE 1.5TB USB3.0 2.5吋行動硬碟 - PChome線上購物 - 24h 購物哀傷的六日... WD Elements Portable SE 1.5TB USB3.0 2.5吋行動硬碟 - WD 威騰, WD Elements Portable 1.5TB USB3.0 2.5吋行動硬碟 ... WD Elements 外接式硬碟具備 USB 3.0,可提高可靠的高容量行動儲存、超快資料傳輸速率、與 USB 2.0 和 USB 3.0 裝置的通用連接性。...
