WD Elements - Western Digital Hard Drives, Network Drives, Media Players有位心理學家說..除了親情之外的情感保存期限都是兩年左右,過了兩年之後就會開始由濃轉淡...所以很多人到了第三年就開始想要分手外遇偷吃之類的但是只尋人要熬過就能再產生甜蜜愉悅的感覺就這樣重複著.... 也就是有所謂的七年外遇之癢..(以這樣推算的話)外遇也外遇和遺傳與其他有關(ex :WD Elements Portable Hard Drives ... It's easy to bring back lost files. If you ever accidentally delete an important file or need to get an earlier version of a file, WD SmartWare Pro helps you retrieve the file in seconds with the easy-to-use retrieve i...