WD My Passport series (Spring 2012) review - CNET via 他一直對她很好,每月都給兩萬供她花用,但最後多年來的付出,竟只換得她一句:「我跟他沒關係,他只是個瘋子…」! ▼有一位從事土水工作的網友在「靠北女友」PO文傾訴。 他表示自己和女友交往兩年,知道女友嫌棄自己工作後身上髒,所以下班見面時候是飆車回家,According to Seagate, a new recording technology is required for 2.5-inch hard drives to offer 2TB of storage space. WD's latest 2TB My Passport drive proves otherwise. Nonetheless, the new drive has likely reached the final frontier in terms of storage s...