we accept the love we think we deserve

We Love the Iraqi Information Minister    自從陳妍希接演小龍女之後,就引來了各種吐槽。都嫌她胖、醜、沒氣質。   主要是大家都沒有看過越南版的翻拍啊啊啊!!   好吧,我們先來回顧一下各版《神雕俠侶》的對比照! ▼古天樂李若彤版 ▼劉亦菲黃曉明版 ▼任賢齊吳倩蓮版 ▼小籠包版 還有&helliWHY WE LOVE M.S.S. This site is a coalition effort of bloodthirsty hawks and ineffectual doves united in admiration for Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information (currently on administrative leave). "In an age of spin, al-Sahaf offers feeling...


We Laugh, We Cry, We Cook | Mother & Daughter Dish Over Food, Faith, and Fun其實我是覺得這些謊都無傷大雅, 只是好幾個真的都說中了! 人類真是個愛說謊的生物阿! 好幾個我每天都在說....       1. 「我不會笑你的,我保證!」 (心裡OS:馬的,這蠢蛋!)       2. 「我是開玩笑的啦!」 (其實有時Freedom to say no, with kindness instead of resentment. Freedom to detach, when you need a break, with love. Freedom to nap, to play, to slow down. To create a life that makes you want to get up every morning. To bless those who disagree with you, without...


I Didn't Love My Wife When We Got Married | Pop Chassid繼兔兔這個婊子系列 ,熊大才是負心漢,又有網友創作, 熊大才是負心漢>>http://life.com.tw/?app=view&no=73731 Line 兔兔Bitch劇場超展開  1 相遇   2 背叛     3 名媛 4 反擊   網友真的I thought I loved my wife from the moment we started dating. I was wrong. ... This is what you would have heard in my home as I read today’s essay: Yup. Uh-huh. (vigorous head nodding) Yes. I think our culture’s obsession with infatuation is the biggest f...


The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements - The Atlantic 驚人的事實在後頭!  。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。原來是宜靜跟老師在一起了... Health The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements Nutrition experts contend that all we need is what's typically found in a routine diet. Industry representatives, backed by a fascinating history, argue that foods don't contain enough, and we need...


Benjamin Franklin - Wikiquote 你猜到了嗎? 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 答案 Mankind naturally and generally love to be flatter'd: Whatever sooths our Pride, and tends to exalt our Species above the rest of the Creation, we are pleas'd with and easily believe, when ungrateful Truths shall be with the utmost Indignation rejected. "...
