We are THAT Family - ... you know the ones. 在亞洲,讓逝者走得有尊嚴,是頭等大事。但很多人,或為彰顯經濟實力,或錯把熱鬧當隆重,搞出不少奇葩葬禮。 不過,和遠在非洲的加納比起來,亞洲葬禮簡直太單調! 他們的葬禮,就是場年度大趴,各種嗨,讓人哭不出來! ▼ 一場葬禮,最短也... you know the ones. ... I sat on the edge of her bed and she didn’t even look up. I was visiting a friend who was not okay. It was more than a bad day, it was a sad season for her....