web 2008

Web Counter ­ Page Counter - Site Counter今天在網路上逛的時候 無意看到這張圖~~~~我只能說 小孩真是奇妙啊XDDD 想跟她做朋友XDDDD 但不想當她的老師哈哈哈ㄏ Set up your free web counter on your page in minutes ... Setting up a web counter on your website is easy. In Step One copy all of the code in the box. Paste the code into the HTML of your website....


The Next Web Conference   網友們你們說呢?!? 教教我好嗎XDDD--★更多〖星座分析〗>>前往連結★更多〖爆笑漫畫+笑話〗>>前往連結★更多『色色的漫畫』>>前往連結★你可能會喜歡...前往連結    The Next Web Europe Conference 2014 - April 24 & 25, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ... Conference 2015 Europe 2015 April 23 & 24 – Amsterdam, NL Visit Website USA New York, US Coming soon Latin America São Paulo, BR...


HTML.it杯具發生在小百合還是牙醫學生的時候…… -------------------------------------------------------------- (某天,陰,偶陣雨)   小百合第一天 run兒童牙科有點緊張也有點害怕。   小百合HTML.it: corsi, guide, articoli e script per webmaster e webdesigner, gli approfondimenti necessari sui trend del design e della programmazione. ... Hosting Se stai cercando un servizio di hosting e non sai come orientarti, utilizza le tre voci che seguon...


Educational games Childtopia一開始是丈母娘應女兒的要求,拍了一張跳躍的照片,但是感覺效果不好,於是女婿就把照片放在網路上請網友幫他修改照片 原本照片是這樣的     經過網友的各種創意惡搞後,照片就變成以下這樣了...  Educational games. hundreds of games,learning worksheets, tales. 5 languages available ... Publicidad / Advertising Español English Français Català Euskara Educational games | Learning worksheets | Tales | Arts and crafts | The Detective...


Wassup 2008 - YouTube日本雜誌常常教學~例如教人怎麼穿搭衣服、化妝...等日前,日本知名雜誌《AneCam》出版了這一本▼教你變可愛的方法!到底讓人變可愛的方法有哪些呢?我們找來素人一起變可愛(?)▼「拍照比出YA的姿勢時,儘量靠近臉部,可以造成小臉效果」正妹很可愛,但是大叔...你還好嗎?▼「將包包斜背,強調出胸部」大Its been eight long years since the boys said wassup to each other. Even with the effects of a down economy and imminent change in the White House, the boys are still able to come together and stay true to what really matters....


Bird and Fortune - Subprime Crisis - YouTube抓回來能吃當然好阿..  可是越看越奇怪....   這是山豬嗎???!!John Bird and John Fortune (the Long Johns) brilliantly, and accurately, describing the mindset of the investment banking community in this satirical interview....
