web based

Web & Mobile User Interface Design Agency with a focus on Branding and Logo Development 圖片來源:kitsch island 上次格格跟大家分享了韓國化妝女王PONY的娃娃妝,今天則是要跟大家分享PONY開的網拍~kitsch island,本來以為她會賣美妝品耶,結果不是唷~是飾品類為主的網拍,而且目前都是由PONY自己擔任麻豆,除了有她親自挑選的商品之外,她自己也說大家可以在上面We are an award winning user interface web and branding design agency that is hyper focused on user experience, UI/UX, website and logo design, with a focus on mobile and app designs. Above all, we focus on simplicity. Our web design company is located in...


Genius 圖片來自:www.tv-asahi.co.jp 用了惡魔簡訊截圖其實是有原因的。每次被整的男藝人在知道一切都是騙局後,都依然會傻傻地問女主角「但妳還是對我有好感的吧!」女主角通常也會用超可愛笑容回應「沒有」~就像這樣,即使面對不是自己喜歡的男生,但依然可以不帶任何戀愛情感地做出一些讓男生容易誤會的回首頁 關於昆盈 投資人資訊 新聞中心 Change Location Taiwan 產品資訊 技術服務 & 支援 下載驅動程式 Log Out there is a pic-player What's New? more Mobile accessories for y... Laptop and PC / All-in-o... Event more IFA SHOW 2014...
