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Jan's Tech Blog » [Tip of the Week] 如何下載Instagram的影片?保證讓你滿意的女殺手瑪丹林!她究竟是怎麼收拾掉對手的呢!? Steve Jobs大電影放Trailer上Instagram,有沒有一刻你想下載來自己收藏呢?又或者你可能想下載某些影片以作收藏呢?要下載Instagram Video,其實只要幾個Step,非常簡單的。 1. 先找出上載Video的Instagram用戶User ID。...


How do i logout of webstagram? - My webstagram wont log me out of my acount. i really need help :: A你懂的!!!! You can still view photos even if you are not subscribed. Webstagram is an app use to view photos posted via Instagram. I don`t think someone else had created an account for you yet. However, you may wish to register and upon trying to register if your em...
