week idol

American Idol - Official Site 柯南的影響力太強了... 居然...                   真正有恐怖!! Check out exclusive videos, photos and posts only for American Idol. Don't miss the action WED at 8/7c on FOX! ... Waiting for next week’s Idol isn’t so miserable when you’ve got this week’s to watch again on FOX NOW. (And again, if you miss anything on t...


Hollywood Week Preview - Trevor Douglas - AMERICAN IDOL XIV - YouTube大牛:我爸爸是個偉大的工程師,他什麼都會做!你知道萬里長城嗎? 阿虎:當然知道! 大牛:那是我爸爸蓋的! 阿虎:哼!有什麼稀奇?我爸爸是偉大的神槍手!你知道死海嗎? 大牛:知道呀!那又怎樣? 阿虎:那是我爸爸殺死的身材狀碩的阿桃嬸提著大包小包的補品,從南部上台北要給媳婦兒 坐月子。到了台北車站,從沒Watch full episodes on http://idol.ly/XIVFullEps Subscribe now for more American Idol clips: http://idol.ly/YT_Subscribe See more of American Idol on our official site: http://idol.ly/Idol Like American Idol on Facebook: http://idol.ly/FB Follow American ...


Hollywood Week: Jax - AMERICAN IDOL XIV - YouTube化解巨石危機 鄉民KUSO搞笑圖說   遇到這種情況該怎麼辦呢   我剛剛想到一個方法 可以把家裡的彈簧床拿出來把石頭彈開 像這樣 這樣家鄉就不會被石頭壓垮了 可喜可賀:D   下面回應的網友們也發揮了超強的想像力 大家一起來解決巨石吧!   點擊連結看全文 Jax is about as far from home as you can get in the United States, but the Jersey native brings the same slowed-down, original voice to Britney Spears’ “Toxic” that she did to The Beatles in her first audition. Will she make it through another round? Subs...


Week Idol - 影片搜尋【姊姊】完蛋...偷看迷片被抓到... 今天學校最後一節是考試 我一半的時候就寫完了馬上交卷跑回家回到家當然是沒人囉~於是我把昨天剛下載好的家庭教師h偏差值 打開來看....用耳機環繞音超爽快!!當我看完的時候有人拍拍我的背...姊:「吼~弟弟你在看甚麼押....」我:「啊啊啊!!!!我太大意了!!...


This Week in American Idol - TV.com真人版馬利歐兄弟玩跑酷 逼真有趣   馬利歐兄弟真人版不稀奇,要是馬利歐兄弟大玩「跑酷」這種新興運動,可就令人大開眼界了,美國兩位知名的跑酷運動達人,扮成馬利歐兄弟,在空地上大玩追逐、跳躍以及翻滾等跑酷特技,再利用後製呈現搶吃金幣以及跳過陷阱的效果,十分具有童趣。 聽到這個令人熟悉的音樂,This Week in American Idol: Watch full length episodes & video clips. Read the latest This Week in American Idol episode guides & recaps, fan reviews, news, and much more. ... This Week in American Idol is the This Week In series that brings you updates a...


[VIDEO] ‘American Idol': Jax Is ‘Toxic’ In Hollywood Week - Hollywood Life看了這張圖覺得真心傷不起了,現在的年輕人到底是腫麼了?錯綜複雜的多角戀男女關係!我們還能相信愛情嗎?   This would make Britney Spears proud! During Hollywood Week on 'American Idol,' one contestant sang the diva's smash hit 'Toxic' and it's a must watch! ... This would make Britney proud! During Hollywood Week on ‘American Idol,’ one contestant sang the di...
