SEIKO ASTRON GPS 太陽能腕錶 與光同步 全新「平流層」概念設計 縱觀寰宇 與時俱進
Conceptual Framework — Comprehensive IASB project 迎接新年到來,SEIKO於開春之際發表2014年全新SEIKO ASTRON GPS太陽能錶款。全新ASTRON錶款以包覆地球的「平流層」概念為設計靈感,採用藍寶石水晶打造箱型鏡面,讓面盤上層得以透過完美弧形,與錶圈結構一體成形,由錶側觀賞,線條就如地球上空的平流層,以平滑剔透的質感籠罩面盤;錶面Background The IASB and FASB previously commenced a joint comprehensive project on the Conceptual Framework in 2004 and had split the project into a number of phases. However, during late 2010, the Board effectively deferred further work on the joint proj...