Conceptual Framework — Comprehensive IASB project 每個女孩只要談過一次戀愛,她心中的白馬王子就會死亡。 而男孩不管談了幾次戀愛,心中的波多野結衣是永遠不死。 ——from 我的前任是個極品 【延伸閱讀】 你可能還有興趣~~ 【幸福箴言】給所有一直單戀的人 【戀人絮語】愛的盡頭是… Background The IASB and FASB previously commenced a joint comprehensive project on the Conceptual Framework in 2004 and had split the project into a number of phases. However, during late 2010, the Board effectively deferred further work on the joint proj...