Welly wander (free 'nature detectives' download from the Woodland Trust) ▲女大生示意圖,非本人。右為真實原文內容。(resource:新浪、sina) 哈囉大家好~ 雖然這不是什麼說得出口的事, 但相信很多人都有過被另一半欺騙、懷疑另一半,甚至被對方劈腿的經驗吧? 這位批踢踢上的網友就經歷了一場十分心酸的分手, 而這個「超心酸」的起源,來自於Welly wander Wellies are like super-powers for feet! They let you splash in puddles, wade through gooey mud and paddle in cold streams without getting icy toes :O) Download these sheets, grab your wellies and go off on a fab welly adventure:...