2018世界新車大展大揭密11: KIA morning酷玩版
WeMo® Switch - Networking, iPhone, iPad, Samsung and Kindle AccessoriesKIA台灣總代理森那美起亞以世界三大車展之一法蘭克福車展規格,打造本次參與2018世界新車大展展區,並與歐洲同步展示Stinger、Stonic,以及Picanto X-Line三款全新車款,預告嶄新年度的產品佈局,完整市場最關注的休旅車譜系。於此同時,森那美起亞更同場加映限量推出,深受小資購車族群Your product's model number and version can usually be found on a sticker located on the product like this example. For a router, the sticker will be on the bottom. ... WeMo now works with Android and iOS Smart Devices The Belkin Wi-Fi enabled WeMo Switch...