他生意頭腦靠「開公廁賺進3000萬歐元」跌破所有人眼鏡!現在「Apple 香奈爾」都排隊想跟他合作,
West Coast Main Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia文章來源於:德國優才計劃/轉載授權請與原作者聯繫 3000萬歐元的廁所 1990年,德國柏林市開了一場有意思的拍賣會, 拍賣品不是實物,而是柏林公共廁所的經營權。 當時的競爭者並不多, 很多企業都不看好公廁市場, 因The West Coast Main Line (WCML) is a major inter-city railway route in the United Kingdom. It is Britain's most important rail backbone in terms of population served. The route links Greater London, the West Midlands, the North West, North Wales and the C...