Westlife - You Raise Me Up lyrics | LyricsMode.com 估計很多人都曾經多多少少聽說過一些富豪們紙醉金迷的生活.. 豪宅,跑車,名表,這些當然都是標配,誇張一些的,或許身邊纏繞着一些風流韻事,成為人們茶餘飯後的談資.. 不過,今天要說的這位,放蕩不羈的程度估計要超出你的想象.. 他叫Travers1 meaning to You Raise Me Up lyrics by Westlife: When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; / When troubles come and my heart burdened be; ... This is the kind of songs that makes me cry. It really encourages me to have more faith. And sometimes it also .....