what are you doing

Working With Sexual Trauma Survivors: What Do You Do? | Brett Newcomb, MA, LPC這10件事應該是每個理工科學生的痛吧...嗨小編在學校時期最痛苦的莫過: 不知【女生】為何物,連線上遊戲裡面的女生腳色都是反串!!! (摔鍵盤) 儘管如此,還是覺得大學時光很美好啊 (遠目)HyperConnezion帶大家回味一下大學難忘的經典時刻,讓我們看下去~   1.你的程式作業/Hello Sarah, dissociative process is a defense mechanism that helps us survive and function. It can take many forms of intensity and a variety of presenting modes. What you are describing is an example of the kind of things people often do when they disso...


What do You Need To Learn Neon Glass Bending | Neon Glass Bender[香港-台北訊]黃秋生女弟子香港女藝人Milla 程芷渝新歌《Action》大走韓風路線.近期還舉辦舞者選拔活動,好友李逸朗、陳蕊蕊、戴耀明、劉依靜香港知名藝人都到場支持。程芷渝Milla 表示因最近忙主持節目及舞台劇,沒太多時間排舞,要找時間大大練習.      程芷Neon shop for sale: I am ready to sell my shop and business, currently located in Gillette, Wyoming. This neon sign shop is the only one within 130 miles. Do you know anyone interested in a neon shop? Gillette continues to grow. Within the past year and a...


Biological Molecules - You Are What You Eat: Crash Course Biology #3 - YouTube (source:boredpanda本文圖片皆取自同處)   Chaunie Brusie是一名媽媽作家,她將她所見的社會現象畫成漫畫,卻讓網友震驚了!因為我們大家平常都習慣這麼想,卻從來沒發現自己哪裡有錯!看完下列這些漫畫之後,相信你的感觸會更深......   1.在公園顧Hank talks about the molecules that make up every living thing - carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins - and how we find them in our environment and in the food that we eat. Crash Course Biology is now available on DVD! http://dftba.com/product/1av/CrashCou...


Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation? - LG Meteor Prank - YouTube 正值青春年少的我們,能體會相戀63年的愛嗎?擔任婚紗攝影師的Shalyn Nelson為了要給她的爺爺奶奶一份結婚紀念日的大禮,決定再幫他們重拍一次婚紗照,而透過Shalyn Nelson的鏡頭,我們依然可以看到這對戀人眼中濃濃的幸福感。   老爺爺老奶奶是在1950年時認識的,當時老爺Experimenta la Ultra Realidad en nuestros nuevos LG UltraHD. Infórmate más sobre sus características en: http://lgtv.cl/ultrahd/ http://www.lg.com/cl/televisores....


What have you tried? - Matt Gemmell ------------------------------------------- (翻攝自Dcard) 這個故事實在太可愛了啦! 而且也太有畫面感了吧 覺得長輩打字慢這點真的很可愛 其實可以教長輩用語音輸入哦   我爸媽完全沒發現這個功能   前幾天試給他們看  If you’re a developer and you’re about to ask another developer a technical question (on a forum, via email, on a chat channel, or in person), you’d better be ready to answer the question “What have you tried?” This of course isn’t specific to software de...


WTFPL - Official Site 圖翻攝自youtube 相信大家在洗澡或獨自一人在家時,多多少少都會有一些唱歌跳舞的行為,不過國外一名小弟弟在做這件事時卻忘記把房門關上,不料整個過程都被家人給拍了下來,上傳到網路後,讓許多網友都笑翻了。 The WTFPL is a very permissive license for software and other scientific or artistic works that offers a great degree of freedom. In fact, it is probably the best license out there. This site provides information on how to make the most of the WTFPL. Get ...
