what are you doing

Working With Sexual Trauma Survivors: What Do You Do? | Brett Newcomb, MA, LPC  一位女孩跟一位男孩私奔了…… 搭著出租車到了車站…… 要付錢時…… 司機回頭跟他們說:不用了!那位女孩的父親已經把車錢付清了……   Hello Sarah, dissociative process is a defense mechanism that helps us survive and function. It can take many forms of intensity and a variety of presenting modes. What you are describing is an example of the kind of things people often do when they disso...


What do You Need To Learn Neon Glass Bending | Neon Glass Bender    一天看見一個女孩子獨自一個人開著BENZ敞篷車,這時看到她的右轉車燈閃爍,後來又看到她伸出她的左手,且手心向後。 你到底是要右轉還是左轉? 我當然是要右轉呀!  那你伸出左手向後又表示什麼?  我是要將指甲油晾乾啦!     Neon shop for sale: I am ready to sell my shop and business, currently located in Gillette, Wyoming. This neon sign shop is the only one within 130 miles. Do you know anyone interested in a neon shop? Gillette continues to grow. Within the past year and a...


Biological Molecules - You Are What You Eat: Crash Course Biology #3 - YouTube  昨天你騎馬騎得怎樣?  不太壞。問題是我那匹馬太客氣了。  太客氣了?  是呀。當騎到一道籬笆時,它讓我先過去了!   Hank talks about the molecules that make up every living thing - carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins - and how we find them in our environment and in the food that we eat. Crash Course Biology is now available on DVD! http://dftba.com/product/1av/CrashCou...


Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation? - LG Meteor Prank - YouTube  某天,雅惠與好友相聚,感歎自己都二十八歲還沒有男朋友。 好友都說她太大女人主義,勸她要對男性多說贊美的話,才能得人好感。 聚會結束後,離去時她們攔了一部計程車,雅惠心想不妨先來個練習, 一上車便說:司機先生你好帥啊! 只見那司機轉過頭來嚴肅地說:小姐,你們是不是忘了帶錢?  Experimenta la Ultra Realidad en nuestros nuevos LG UltraHD. Infórmate más sobre sus características en: http://lgtv.cl/ultrahd/ http://www.lg.com/cl/televisores....


What have you tried? - Matt Gemmell    坐在岸邊釣魚的男人對正要下水游泳的姑娘們喊:這個地方不准游泳! 可是剛才我們換衣服時你為什麼不告訴我們?姑娘問。 這個地方並不禁止換衣服啊。釣魚人答。     If you’re a developer and you’re about to ask another developer a technical question (on a forum, via email, on a chat channel, or in person), you’d better be ready to answer the question “What have you tried?” This of course isn’t specific to software de...


WTFPL - Official Site  百貨公司中有一台會自動報體重的電子秤。 一位胖女士抱怨:我最恨這台秤了! 為什麼?它會大聲報出你的體重?   不!胖女士憤怒地說, 它每次都大聲叫,‘一次只限一人!’     The WTFPL is a very permissive license for software and other scientific or artistic works that offers a great degree of freedom. In fact, it is probably the best license out there. This site provides information on how to make the most of the WTFPL. Get ...
