【Dappei 服飾穿搭誌】 運動鞋還能這樣搭? 運動時尚正夯 街頭混搭 LOOK 特輯!
(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube自從台灣吹起一陣路跑及單車風潮後,越來越多朋友注意到運動健身的重要性,而紛紛購入了運動鞋作為休閒單品,一鞋多穿是搭配客的強項,若不想只是 sporty 將球鞋、運動鞋只搭配在休閒服裝,運動鞋又該如何融入每天的穿搭呢?男孩利用有型的運動鞋來搭配時裝也是一點都無違和,女孩的裙子搭配運動鞋除了突顯個人性格For the first time, Foster and Kimberly are hosting live, interactive, online video events to engage the Thrive Movement in addressing key principles and strategies to inform the most leveraged solutions. Check out our new ThriveTogether initiative (www.t...