what if電影

What If (2013) - IMDb作者: tknt (我是宅男) 來源:PTT標題: [無言] 如果我愛上別人了....突然想起以前我問我女朋友「如果有天我愛上別人了 跟 我死翹翹了,哪一個會讓妳比較難過?」她說 「我會一樣難過.....」聽完我蠻感動的…想不到我愛上別人對她的打擊這麼大……Directed by Michael Dowse. With Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, Megan Park, Adam Driver. Wallace, who is burned out from a string of failed relationships, forms an instant bond with Chantry, who lives with her longtime boyfriend. Together, they puzzle out wh...


(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube一年前學校廣場上進行捐血,捐200CC送修理指甲用具,捐400CC送手錶,一位女孩聽了很幸福的問護士那捐1000CC送什麼啊! 護士很淡定的說:棺材一個For the first time, Foster and Kimberly are hosting live, interactive, online video events to engage the Thrive Movement in addressing key principles and strategies to inform the most leveraged solutions. Check out our new ThriveTogether initiative (www.t...


What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions: Randall Munroe: 9780544272996測試你的獸性 如果你和一隻老虎同時往前跑,你願意跑在 1. 和老虎一起跑 2. 老虎的前面 ~3. 老虎的後面 ~選好了嗎? 超準的喔!!!!!!!!! 看結果 ............ .........-------An Amazon Best Book of the Month, September 2014: What if everyone on earth aimed a laser pointer at the moon at the same time? What if you could drain all the water from the oceans? What if all the lightning in the world struck the same place? What if th...


Say What Again!! - YouTube某大公司的主管超怕老婆,但很想知道是不是每個男人都一樣?於是,有一天,集合公司內所有已婚男士說:「覺得自己怕老婆的人站到左邊,覺得自己不怕老婆的人站到右邊。」之後,只見一陣騷動,大部分人都去左邊,只有一個去右邊,還有兩個站在原地不動。他首先問第一個站在原地不動的人:「為什麼你站著不動?」那人回答道:another clip from pulp fiction. Some truly great lines. Note this does have some strong language not sutable for children....


What If People Treated Physical Illness Like Mental Illness?台北市三重有一男子因 *** 輕度灼傷**** 召喚救護車,結果送進醫院時卻是 **** 重度骨折***當醫師詢問受傷原因時男子就是不肯說明,而且一再要求救護人員負責賠償,只見救護人員都在一旁竊笑,醫師不得已只好私下詢問救護人員怎麼回事原來這位先生的老婆非常怕蟑螂,那天傍晚突然有隻蟑螂出現It's no secret there's a serious stigma attached to mental illness. According to the CDC, only 25 percent of people with mental health issues feel that other people are compassionate and sympathetic toward them. It's a shameful statistic when one in four ...


Interstellar science review: The movie’s black holes, wormholes, relativity, and special effects.外國人祭墓時,只是供一束鮮花,而中國人卻擺上大魚大肉和水果等食物.... 外國人嘲諷地問:「你們準備這麼多東西,墳墓裡的人什麼時候會出來吃呢?」 中國人澹然地答:「等你們的人從墳墓出來賞花時,我們的人就會出來吃東西了一個牛仔騎馬去酒吧喝酒,出來時發現他的馬不見了。 他氣Correction, Nov. 9, 2014: The basic assumptions I made about black holes in this movie were incorrect, so the conclusions I drew below were incorrect. This needs some explaining, so please read my follow-up post that hashes out my errors. I generally enjo...
