Weekend Rock Question: What's Bob Dylan's Best 1980s Song? | Rolling Stone 法律系男:法律面前人人平等,這句話妳壹定不反對吧。女:當然。男:可是我覺得這麽久以來妳壹直高我壹等。女:日後就平等了。 文學系男:妳對我們現在的關系滿意嗎?女:NO男:為什麽?女:妳還從來都沒有深入地了解過我。男:現在這樣還不算深啊,要多深啊?女:至少要4寸。 物理系男:我們現在已經戀愛半年了,算Now we have a question for you: What is Bob Dylan's single best song of the 1980s? Anything recorded or released in the decade counts, from the gospel tunes on 1980's Saved to the Daniel Lanois-produced cuts on 1989's Oh Mercy. Feel free to vote for a bel...