what the hell

Avril Lavigne - What The Hell - YouTube那天出門比較晚回家, 回家前弟弟打了通電話說: 「哥,我有留披薩給你,回來記得吃」 我很開心地期待著回家後的披薩 我以為會是這樣…         但打開後 卻是…          Music video by Avril Lavigne performing What The Hell. (C) 2010 RCA Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment #VEVOCertified on January 25, 2012. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified....


what the hell _does_ a vegan eat anyway?烏克蘭出產了許多真人芭比, 但令人驚奇的是!竟然有一家子全家都像芭比!! 太誇張了!連阿公都像,讓我們來看一下吧!   首先當然要看看芭比本人! 一整個超像假的!   好了,再讓我們來看芭比媽! 是不是非常美豔動人呀~~ 如果芭比有出媽媽款,應該就是長這樣吧! 兩人的鼻眼都太像了Dinner 04/13 Grilled Portobello Mushroom Roasted Red Bell Pepper Grilled Asparagus It's a good thing we have a really strong stove hood, because it was getting all smoky up in here tonight -- marinated Portobello Mushrooms (olive oil, tamari, vegan ......


lebeau's le Blog | Home of "What the Hell Happened?" 有國外網友測試,只要拿著iPhone,經過人群時這麼做...幾乎很多人都會上當...雖然這實驗有點機車,但好像屢試不爽呢! Home of "What the Hell Happened?" ... It’s the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine. In celebration of Mad Max: Fury Road, we’re getting post-apocalyptic....


I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I read?美國一居民日前回家時,發現一頭母熊帶著兩隻小熊闖入自家後院,母熊忙著翻垃圾箱找食物,小熊則在滑梯上自顧自地玩耍,樂此不疲,就像在自己家一樣自在。最後這家人用汽笛發出巨響,才把它們嚇走,這才是熊孩子啊!    熊媽媽:趕快找吃的,寶寶你去那邊找 熊媽媽:疑!孩子們呢? 熊媽媽:哇咧Ever wonder what it takes to craft great queer characters when writing for children and young adults? This question was explored at The Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) this April in Minneapolis. I had the privilege of moderating the only...


What the Hell Happened to Bridget Fonda? | lebeau's le Blog  宅男找不到女友只好這樣… 前面三張p得不錯呀~~ 放在電腦裡看看也能安慰一下自己 但還不如趕快去女友呢!就是這樣才會光棍呀~~ 呃…這張合成得有點差…   圖片來源:網路  Bridget Fonda came from Hollywood royalty. Peter Fonda is her father and Jane Fonda is her aunt. Her grandfather was the legenday Henry Fonda. In the late 80's, Bridget Fonda was hailed as one of America's most promising young actresses. In the early 90's...


What the Hell-qvist? | Love, Lola ♥ Musings about life, love, beauty & royalty 克林在第一集登場時,戰鬥力才10...雖然到最後也沒什麼長進,但他已經是「最強地球人」了... 第一集:(我承認1分31秒有停下來...) 第二集: Softcore porn model and reality television star, Sofia Hellqvist, is engaged to marry Swedish Prince Carl Philip. What the Hell-qvist? A few generations ... I live in NYC and she did not fund her lifestyle teaching yoga. Sofia moved here with a friend but...
