what time is it

It Is What It Is在男女同居已經非常普遍的現代社會,我的觀念倒是始終如一,在未婚的時候我不曾同居也不愛同居。除了我個人即使在戀愛中仍然非常喜歡保有隱私和神秘感之外,也是因為我不是一個熱戀時需要每分每秒黏在一起的情人。以下提供我不同居的四大理由,也許大家可以參考檢視一下自己適不適合同居吧!相愛容易相處難,我想要簡單一點Finally there is a date to Tom Brady‘s appeal for his four-game suspension for his role in Deflategate. According to ESPN’s Adam Schefter, the quarterback’s appeal will be heard June 23 and possibly continue June 25. It will reportedly be with Commissione...


Chartbeat CEO Tony Haile: What You Get Wrong about the Internet 居然有人為了面子可以連自己女友的肉體都出賣,還是不是男人?现在奉勸所有女性同胞真的要帶眼識人,不要被樣子金錢迷惑,要不然到頭來可能只是那男人的工具。 If you’re an average reader, I’ve got your attention for 15 seconds, so here goes: We are getting a lot wrong about the web these days. We confuse what people have clicked on for what they’ve read. We mistake sharing for reading. We race towards new trend...


What Is Nostalgia Good For? Quite a Bit, Research Shows - NYTimes.com 1、不許哭,連你都是我的了,更別說眼淚了。 2、你再哭,再哭我就回家跪搓衣板去。 3、什麼時候想嫁人了就告訴我,我娶你! 4、我心都放你那裡了,你還在乎我這個人幹什麼。 5、我就喜歡你,我就愛你,關你什麼事啊。 6、你站在那別動,我飛奔過去! 7、你給我聽著,我愛你~~記好了啊! 8、誰要把你從我SOUTHAMPTON, England — Not long after moving to the University of Southampton, Constantine Sedikides had lunch with a colleague in the psychology department and described some unusual symptoms he’d been feeling. A few times a week, he was suddenly hit wit...


Pamela Geller: A Response to My Critics—This Is a War - TIME最近在網路PTT的男女版,引來不少網友討論,關於「另一半在酒吧工作」的話題。 起因是有名網友貼文發問,其內容大概是朋友的女朋友找到了一份新工作,內容是晚上去酒吧工作,只要陪客人聊天及倒酒,時薪竟然就有250元以上,而儘管男友拒絕,女友還是偷偷跑去工作,兩人並因此發生爭執,而眼見兩人遲遲無法解決事情,Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and publisher of PamelaGeller.com. Some are saying I provoked this attack. But to kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it. Sunday in Garland, Texas, a p...


What Is the Next ‘Next Silicon Valley’? - NYTimes.com 很久的以前,自己就像是一個孤獨的小孩,非常渴望得到別人的溫柔擁抱,所以常常的不知不覺的動了真感情。當兩個人溫度升溫,就會纏綿產生的火花,也是很美的,感覺老天掉了一個大大的餡餅,幸福將自己包圍。然而火花總是在一瞬間的美麗,過去後當溫度變冷,再也找不到溫暖的柔情似水,佳期真的如夢一樣了。愛過,又如何去Lots of places lay claim to being a budding tech innovation hub, some with more justification than others. Orlando, for instance, is no Provo. ... Provo provides an example of one of two models for competing with Silicon Valley. “There’s a group of people...


The Downing Street Memo :: What is it? 最好的感情,就是找一個能夠聊得來的伴。各種的話題,永遠說不完;重複的語言,也不覺得厭倦。 陪伴,是兩情相悅的一種習慣;懂得,是兩心互通的一種眷戀。 總是覺得相聚的時光太短,原來——走得最快的不是時間,而是兩個人在一起時的快樂。 幸福,就是有一個讀懂你的人;溫暖,就是有一個願The Sunday Times on May 1, 2005 this document was the first hard evidence from within the UK or US governments that exposed the truth about how the Iraq war began. Since that time, much more information has come to light through leaks of secret government...
