原來男人可以來點香奈兒?G Dragon寵幸Saint Laurent Givenchy,其實更愛C
Drinking Mirror App Shows Us What Alcohol Does To Our Skin (PHOTOS) 你能想像與女性優雅密不可分的Chanel搭上嘻哈街頭文化又會是什麼樣的衝擊火花?如果你不知從何說起,就讓G Dragon告訴你! 突破傳統嘻哈潮流印象將街頭文化推向高端時尚,除了近年來在時尚產業大放異彩的台裔設計師Alexander Wang全心全力的貢獻外,這位以最直接混搭方式傳達時下流行精神的This Fourth of July holiday, we planned to kick back with our friends and sip on lots of patriotic cocktails. That is, until our deputy managing editor Elyse shared an app that shows us what alcohol does to our skin. (Thanks Elyse!) Drinking Mirror is a m...