whdi asus

Asus and brite-View WHDI Wireless HDMI Transmitter Kits Reviewed - HotHardware - YouTube        這被女朋友看到還得了.... 有夠誇張!!!!http://hothardware.com - WHDI or Wireless High Definition Digital Interface allows for connection of any HDMI compatible device wirelessly to any HDMI-enabled display at resolutions up to 1080p. We test out two kits and show you how the tech works and its...


無線串流大車拼 Wi-Fi/WiHD/WHDI鼎足而立 - 懂市場 - 新電子科技雜誌          天阿~ 你們這些小朋友,會不會太用功拉!!!聯網電視如Google TV與Apple TV的創新應用,帶動數位影音資料無線傳輸的使用需求,因而引發Wi-Fi、WiHD、WHDI與WiGig等無線連結技術爭相競技,相關晶片商也大力推廣新一代解決方案,期能當上高畫質影音傳輸市場的技術霸主。 席捲...


Wireless Home Digital Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia        真的會讓人傻眼,這種衣服還是少穿~~~Wireless Home Digital Interface (WHDI) is a consumer electronic specification for a wireless HDTV connectivity throughout the home. WHDI enables delivery of uncompressed high-definition digital video over a wireless radio channel connecting any video sour...


ASUS WAVI無線影音傳輸器 | ComputerDIY        這位老兄你也太酷了,你都可以出名了!!!ASUS WAVI採用無線多媒體傳輸技術(WHDI),傳輸影像、聲音訊號且延遲小於1毫秒,無線傳輸距離可達25英呎,甚至是穿越牆壁傳送至另一個房間。...


Gadget Review: Amimon's WHDI Stick | TMR - TMR | Where Popular Culture Meets Swanky Living 厄......上帝的惡作劇吧...If you are thinking of setting up a home theater and don't want to worry about where to put your media playback equipment relative to the TV, a WHDI device could be the answer. Wireless Digital Home Interface is a technology designed to wirelessly connect...


Asus WAVI Xtion:連結電視與電腦,以體感方式上網、玩遊戲、操作 Win 7 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西            可以改變你的一生,也太好了吧在 2011 CES 展時,雖然硬體都已經開發完成,但不管是中介軟體,還是能直接對應體感操作的軟體與遊戲 Apps 都還未成熟,因此直到一年後的現在,華碩才帶著齊全的對應軟體環境,正式推出這套客廳體感操作新裝備 WAVI Xtion 。...
