Wheelchair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲小朋友的神答案讓老師很想吐寫。(source:lolwot,以下同) 哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要向大家介紹美國眾多的小朋友寫在考卷上讓老師很想吐血的神回答! 根據lolwot的整理,這位美國老師在考卷上的題目是:「我們應該怎麼解決人口過剩的問題?」,結果小朋友居然直接回答:「飢餓遊戲。A wheelchair is a chair with wheels, invented in the early 5th century. The device comes in variations where it is propelled by motors or by the seated occupant turning the rear wheels by hand. Often there are handles behind the seat for someone else to d...