when while 文法

When vs. While — English Exercises & Practice | Grammar Quizzes怎麼看都很像斷背山.....XDD     分享自網路Contrast 'when' and 'while' for expressing same-time, interrupting or background activities; compare similar expressions and punctuation use. ... TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION In traditional grammar, the adverbs when and while introduce ......


Q:when 和 while 在引導時間副詞子句時,它們的用法有何不同呢? - 英文資訊交流網沒局的週末晚上~~大家都在家幹嘛?       轉貼自網路" When they came home, I was cooking dinner. (他們回家時,我正在煮晚餐) 這句中,由於 came 是瞬間動詞,所以不能用 while 來代替 when。這是 when 和 while 用法的主要差異之一。"可是while不是"當 …."的意思嗎?為什麼不能用在非延續性的動詞呢?...


While + gerund clauses — English Exercises & Practice | Grammar Quizzes嗯...這騎士應該算是愛狗人!     轉錄自網路PAST GRAMMAR CURRENT GRAMMAR Adverbial Clauses In traditional grammar while, when, before, after, an since are conjunctions which join an adverb clause to an independent clause. The term adverbial clause is used because the clause adds time-related ......


While and whilst - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionaries Online      哥哥有練過 小朋友不要學喔!! 大家還是要用你手中的一票選出你認為最好的的人選喔!!(只能投一票拉XD)  While and whilst - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionaries Online ... While and whilst mean the same when we use them as conjunctions. They both mean ‘during the time that something ......


Grammar Girl : "A While" Versus "Awhile" :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™        恭喜馬英九 ,當選中華民國第十三任總統!! 大選過後,不論藍綠,我們都要一起努力, 一起讓台灣能夠越來越好!!      In Thursday's Grammar Girl podcast, I talked about using "while" to mean "although," but another point about "while" can confound people: What is the difference between "a while" and "awhile"? "A while" is a time, a noun. The article "a" before "while" is...


實用基礎文法 - 台灣測驗中心      好寫實XDWhat were you doing at nine o'clock last night? 你昨晚九點鐘在幹什麼? I was riding my bike at nine o'clock last night. 昨晚九點鐘我正在騎我的自行車。 The children were staring at us with huge eyes. 孩子們張大了眼睛盯著我們。 過去進行式經常與另一過去時式的 ......
