while fetch_status 0

[T-SQL]在巢狀迴圈抓@@fetch_status會回傳-1的解決方法 | 好風工作室 性感阿~~      再使用WHILE把SQL裡面SELECT的資料篩選出來時,通常是抓@@fetch_status來取得目前截取資料的狀態 不過在巢狀迴圈下要抓@@fetch_status時用法要特別注意 就會出問題啦!因為在第二個WHILE抓的@@fetch_status一樣被當作cursor1的資源,這時候就必...


Fetch Standard     馬上趕到!!xd  A default `User-Agent` value is a user-agent-defined value for the `User-Agent` header. 3.1.3 Statuses A status is a code. A null body status is a status that is 101, 204, 205, or 304. An ok status is any status in the range 200 to 299, inclusive. A redir...


@@FETCH_STATUS (Transact-SQL) 法拉利!這樣我也開心DECLARE Employee_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT BusinessEntityID, JobTitle FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee; OPEN Employee_Cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN FETCH NEXT ......


fetch API - David Walsh Blog - JavaScript Consultant     加油阿  小雨滴!        Flext: MooTools Auto-Growing Textrea Plugin A while back David Walsh published a list of 7 MooTools Plugins You Should Use on Every Website which included 'AutoGrow' a text area expander plugin. 'AutoGrow' is very similar in results to the class I wrote f...
