while read file bash

bash - WHILE loop - read line of a file one by one -- Not working the No. of times the file has line   上海一對20出頭的情侶23日匆匆忙忙到解放軍411醫院求醫,男子說女友下腹沉重,感覺有異物,請醫生幫忙看看,之後,醫生竟從女子的陰道取出一枚「光滑去殼的雞蛋」!《東方網》報導,醫生詢問下,這對情侶支支吾吾地說出實情。原來前一晚兩人親熱時,男方突然想要追求刺激,便把雞蛋塞入女友陰道裡,I'm using a "while" loop within a shell script (BASH) to read line of a file (one by one) -- "Fortunately", its not working the No. of times the file has lines in it. Here's the summary ......


Bash Scripting & Read File line by line - Stack Overflow 有一個在 DreamWorks 動畫公司做特效師的爸爸,例如這位 Daniel Hashimoto,就會得到令人非常驚喜的影片!他和兒子 James 的這系列「Action Movie Kid」,近來已引起無數人的注意,因為真的非常好玩!這裏有部份精彩作品︰ 溼地危險!    The following (save as rr.sh) reads a file passed as an argument line by line: #!/bin/bash while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do echo "Text read from file: $line" done < "$1" Explanation: IFS='' (or IFS=) prevents leading/trailing whitespace fro...


text processing - How to use bash script to read binary file content? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange 史上最誠實預告片~ 實在太經典了! 我都笑了...呵呵...I want to read a character and then a fixed length of string (the string is not null terminated in the file, and its length is given by the preceding character). How can I do this in a bash ......


Bash scripting Tutorial - Linux Configuration Tutorials 難道說.....被街景車拍到惹.... O_Q!!!!!1. Hello World Bash Shell Script First you need to find out where is your bash interpreter located. Enter the following into your command line: $ which bash Open up you favorite text editor and a create file called hello_world.sh. Insert the following lin...


shell - Why is `while IFS= read` used so often, instead of `IFS=; while read..`? - Unix & Linux Stac如今人們做過的工作總來沒有像這些一樣酷,我多麼希望世界能夠回到一個像這樣簡單的時代。你更希望見到下面那種的工作呢?   1.保齡球球童 保齡球球童是一些被保齡球館僱傭來在保齡球瓶被擊倒之後將它們重新擺放整齊的兒童。這種辛勞的工作通常都只能得到很少的工資。   2.人工鬧鐘 這些人It seems that normal practice would put the setting of IFS outside the while loop in order to not repeat setting it for each iteration... Is this just a habitual "monkey see, monkey do" style, as it has been for this monkey until I read man read, or am I ...


Internal Commands and Builtins - The Linux Documentation Project這個問題在Reddit上被問及:空乘,飛行員,工程師們,有什​​麼秘密是乘客們在坐飛機時不知道的呢?許多答案被提交,這些是30個最有趣的。     1. 氧氣面罩後隱含的真實故事 如果氧氣面罩掉下來,你將有15分鐘(自掉落之時計算)的氧氣供應,但儘管如此,飛行員總能有足夠的時間帶#!/bin/bash # "Reading" variables. echo -n "Enter the value of variable 'var1': " # The -n option to echo suppresses newline. read var1 # Note no '$' in front of var1, since it is being set. echo "var1 = $var1" echo # A single 'read' statement can set mul...
