while read file bash

Bash Scripting & Read File line by line - Stack OverflowThe following (save as rr.sh) reads a file passed as an argument line by line: #!/bin/bash while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do echo "Text read from file: $line" done < "$1" Explanation: IFS='' (or IFS=) prevents leading/trailing whitespace fro...


text processing - How to use bash script to read binary file content? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange 奇怪,我第一次才數到三個...(試看看) 做這個測驗之前記得只能看一次!數一下,在下面的短文裡數有幾個FFINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS&I want to read a character and then a fixed length of string (the string is not null terminated in the file, and its length is given by the preceding character). How can I do this in a bash ......


shell - Why is `while IFS= read` used so often, instead of `IFS=; while read..`? - Unix & Linux Stac想吃Kit Kat,撕開巧克力包裝紙,怎麼跑出兩條想反咬人一口的巧克力妖怪?這不是Kit Kat啦!它們是英國玩具設計師Andrew Bell設計的幽默小玩具,名叫“Kill Kat”,快來瞧瞧這個令人嚇一跳後好氣又好笑的嚇人妖怪吧!   Kill Kat登場! &It seems that normal practice would put the setting of IFS outside the while loop in order to not repeat setting it for each iteration... Is this just a habitual "monkey see, monkey do" style, as it has been for this monkey until I read man read, or am I ...


Internal Commands and Builtins - The Linux Documentation Project Bobine是一條傳輸線,但他不只會乖乖躺在地上或桌上,他還可以立起來。0.6米的長度可以讓他靈活的扭成你想要的「姿勢」。   看起來與一般傳輸線無異。   但他卻可以這樣站起來!就算不充電或是插電,也可以拿來當腳架,拿著到處去了。   就算在車上,也不需要再特地買個#!/bin/bash # "Reading" variables. echo -n "Enter the value of variable 'var1': " # The -n option to echo suppresses newline. read var1 # Note no '$' in front of var1, since it is being set. echo "var1 = $var1" echo # A single 'read' statement can set mul...
