妙齡女和男友親熱後 隔天在醫院「生下一顆雞蛋」
bash - WHILE loop - read line of a file one by one -- Not working the No. of times the file has line 上海一對20出頭的情侶23日匆匆忙忙到解放軍411醫院求醫,男子說女友下腹沉重,感覺有異物,請醫生幫忙看看,之後,醫生竟從女子的陰道取出一枚「光滑去殼的雞蛋」!《東方網》報導,醫生詢問下,這對情侶支支吾吾地說出實情。原來前一晚兩人親熱時,男方突然想要追求刺激,便把雞蛋塞入女友陰道裡,I'm using a "while" loop within a shell script (BASH) to read line of a file (one by one) -- "Fortunately", its not working the No. of times the file has lines in it. Here's the summary ......