90 的朋友讀錯了!汽車品牌的正宗讀音是這樣的!
Ignore lines in Shell Script | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting 90%的朋友讀錯了!汽車品牌的正宗讀音是這樣的! 溫馨提示:在wifi狀態下觀看,留著流量學知識 授權來源:機械前線 ID:jixieqianxian原文標題: 90%的朋友讀錯了!汽車品牌的正宗讀音是這樣的! 未經Check if the first character is # and if so, ignore the line. Code: while read LINE do [ "${LINE:0:1}" = "#" ] && continue ... done This syntax should work in bash and ksh. Remove advertisements Sponsored Links #3 04-18-2012 ad23 Registered User ......