white house

White House - The Washington PostImages Source: morningpetrichor 、 encrypted       遠距離只能在遠地思念彼此     說到遠距離戀愛,不曉得大家是否曾經歷過呢?許多人一聽到「遠距離」,就覺得這段感情可能走Latest news and coverage of the White House. ... The president said that the holiday dinner "is also a reminder of the freedoms that bind us together as Americans, including the ......


Educate to Innovate | The White House      前兩天,高圓圓和趙又廷再次因為甜蜜約會被拍而火上了熱搜!       雖然 兩個人已經結婚四年,但感覺他們感情依舊好到不行,一會兒去旅遊,一會兒去看電影,一會兒又在機場擁抱親吻,反正Alice姐這種單身狗是要被虐哭了。 &nbs// Manually activate correct menu tab $(".blocky-nav div:nth-child(3)").addClass("blocky-active"); “One of the things that I’ve been focused on as President is how we create an all-hands-on-deck approach to science, technology, engineering, and math… We n...


Hackers breach some White House computers - The Washington Post 她是貴族小姐,也是「政治強人」。 她一生有六個孩子,其中五個都不是跟原配丈夫親生的; 她八面玲瓏,扶持丈夫步步高升,把兒子培養成英國維多利亞女王最得力的首相; 她是貴族夫人、是王子的情婦、是首相的母親、還是詩人拜倫的紅顏知己, 她就是英國的墨爾本夫人,今天我們要說的就是她。 她的兒子成為英國首相後Hackers thought to be working for the Russian government breached the unclassified White House computer networks in recent weeks, sources said, resulting in temporary disruptions to some services while cybersecurity teams worked to contain the intrusion. ...


A Drone, Too Small for Radar to Detect, Rattles the White House - The New York Times鄉民狂推推~實用文!約的管道,首先是交友軟體, M開頭的匿名,約到過伴,不過這種的男的真的很辛苦, 據他說刷了一整晚才有我一個"真正的女生"回。 事實證明不是約不到,但是要非常有耐心刷。 約過一個出局的我也就不用了,真的是有夠麻煩~ B開頭的,上面真的太年輕,一開一堆小屁孩在秋問要不要約,下載一天以WASHINGTON — A White House radar system designed to detect flying objects like planes, missiles and large drones failed to pick up a small drone that crashed into a tree on the South Lawn early Monday morning, according to law enforcement officials. The c...


White House office to delete its FOIA regulations  「我妻子離開我三年了,但是我總感覺她還在我身邊。」   今天故事的主人公就是Gary Andrews,他是一個兒童電視動畫導演,也是迪士尼的前動畫師。   他比妻子Joy大十五歲,但年齡差並沒有成為他們的阻礙,反而倆人在一見鍾情後還走入婚姻殿堂。   &nMelting snow and barricades sit in front of the White House on March 12, 2015, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Mark Wilson, Getty Images) WASHINGTON — The White House is removing a federal regulation that subjects its Office of Administration to the Freedom o...


How Russians hacked the White House - CNNPolitics.com很多男人都怕被問到這個問題:   老婆跟媽同時掉水裡,你先救誰?   回答得好,老婆開心老媽放心,一家人和和美美;回答不好,那就是兩頭受難,日子難過。   這個問題,表面上看是救人問題,其實是老婆和媽誰更重要的問題。   那麼,老婆和媽究竟誰更重要呢?這個老公Washington (CNN)Russian hackers behind the damaging cyber intrusion of the State Department in recent months used that perch to penetrate sensitive parts of the White House computer system, according to U.S. officials briefed on the investigation. While t...
