white house

White House - The Washington Post從前,有一個秀才,他有一個傻兒子。有一天,朋友要來拜訪他。為了顯示自己的才能,他決定讓兒子招待客人,還特意教給他幾句話:“如果客人問你咱們家的桃樹怎麼沒了,你就說‘讓我砍了賣了’; 如果他問你咱們家的籬笆為什麼這麼亂,你就說‘兵荒馬亂糟蹋的了&rsquLatest news and coverage of the White House. ... The president said that the holiday dinner "is also a reminder of the freedoms that bind us together as Americans, including the ......


Educate to Innovate | The White House親愛的吾兒阿榮:> 我這封信寫得很慢 因為我知道你看字不快 > > (妳寫的慢跟人家看的快不快有什麼關係@_@)> > 我們已經搬家了,不過地址沒改,> 因為搬家順便把門牌帶來了。> > (天阿,妳太天才了吧,那誰知道您搬到哪呀-_-b)> > 這禮// Manually activate correct menu tab $(".blocky-nav div:nth-child(3)").addClass("blocky-active"); “One of the things that I’ve been focused on as President is how we create an all-hands-on-deck approach to science, technology, engineering, and math… We n...


Hackers breach some White House computers - The Washington Post啟智班的教室裡... 老師:『你終於來了!為什麼昨天沒有來上課?』 學生:『因..因為,我媽從樓梯上摔下來..』 老師:『喔!原來如此,媽媽受傷了所以你沒來。』 學生:『不是...是我爸受傷..』 老師:『為什麼你媽從樓梯上摔下來你爸會受傷?』&nbHackers thought to be working for the Russian government breached the unclassified White House computer networks in recent weeks, sources said, resulting in temporary disruptions to some services while cybersecurity teams worked to contain the intrusion. ...


A Drone, Too Small for Radar to Detect, Rattles the White House - The New York Times父:寶貝來,吃飯囉!孩:喔!爸爸我問你,什麼事會讓上面的人愉快,下面的人高興父:小孩子怎麼問這種問題,這個……唉呀!以後你結婚就懂了!孩:有這麼難回答嗎?答案就是演唱會啊!父:演唱會?孩:對啊!上面的人很開心,下面的人很高興父:亂七八糟!孩:那我再問你,進浴室洗澡時,要先WASHINGTON — A White House radar system designed to detect flying objects like planes, missiles and large drones failed to pick up a small drone that crashed into a tree on the South Lawn early Monday morning, according to law enforcement officials. The c...


White House office to delete its FOIA regulations有位女病患去看醫生:"醫生我會一直放屁, 但也還好啦, 我倒沒有很大的困擾,因為我的屁都不會臭, 也不會響......其實,進來以後, 我已經放了最少20個了, 您看您也都沒發覺, 就是因為人家的屁都不會臭, 也不會響...."醫生說: "我知道了,把這些藥拿回家吃,下禮拜再來一次"下禮拜Melting snow and barricades sit in front of the White House on March 12, 2015, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Mark Wilson, Getty Images) WASHINGTON — The White House is removing a federal regulation that subjects its Office of Administration to the Freedom o...


How Russians hacked the White House - CNNPolitics.com日本最新!租個大叔回家吧   如果你感到空虛寂寞冷的話,在日本有一種名為Ossan Rental 的服務,幾出租大叔來陪你,價格為1000日元每小時。在日本這個神奇國度,只要是有需求的地方,就會有各種商業模式誕生。 目前Ossan Rental 公司由於新成立,只有2個大叔可以選:46歲的Washington (CNN)Russian hackers behind the damaging cyber intrusion of the State Department in recent months used that perch to penetrate sensitive parts of the White House computer system, according to U.S. officials briefed on the investigation. While t...
