who am i

penguin purls: who?小靜才爬上285公車,立刻就聽到一個人大聲叫道:想先上車後補票!門兒都沒有… 小靜嚇了一大跳,緊張地正想朝口袋掏錢的時候,才發覺原來是一名中年婦人在講電話! 「想也知道他一定沒安什麼好心,找我女兒去環島旅行…才沒這麼隨便就讓他占盡便宜,就算已經論及婚嫁Sally said... I have almost finished knitting the adult size for my daughter's 9 year birthday, because of her newfound love of the Guardians fo Ga'Hoole books. This pattern was my first foray into cabling and it was great! I love the design, the look, an...


The Simpsons - I Am So Smart - YouTube很絕的阿婆~~ 有一位穿著簡陋的老太太去超級市場買了三罐貓罐頭,正拿去結帳時, 結帳小姐說: 「老太太,妳必需把貓抱來,確定妳有養貓,我才可以賣給妳,有些窮老人是會吃貓罐頭的!」 老太太沒辦法,就把貓抱來給結帳小姐看。 隔天,老太太又去超級市場買了三罐狗罐頭,Homer finally gets accepted to college and celebrates by lighting his high-school diploma on fire....


Doctor Who期末考結束,老師特別問幾個同學為什麼成績這麼差。 大毛:「因為我的脖子扭傷!」  小強:「因為我的眼鏡度數不夠!」 阿呆:「因為我等得睡著了!」 小明:「因為前面同學個子太高了! 老師:「……」大毛:「你知道一氧化碳的哥哥叫什麼嗎?」 小毛:「二氧化碳」 大毛:TimeGate is a Doctor Who 'verse and British Media con taking place in Atlanta, GA, USA, the weekend of May 22-24, 2015. Guests of Honor are Michelle Gomez (Missy) and Katy Manning (Jo Grant), along with many other guests. Please see the website for more ....


I AM A MUSLIM! - YouTube台北女人比較厲害一位沒讀書的鄉下阿巴桑第一次離家上台北幫傭。 一天早晨男主人出門後即進入主臥室清理房間。當時女主人還在房間,房間裡凌亂不堪。此時阿巴桑發現床上仍留著使用過的保險套,顯出非常驚訝的樣子。女主人察覺後說:「這有什麼大驚小怪的,你們鄉下人難道不做這種事嗎?」阿巴桑回道:「這種事我Hello/Salam/Peace Everyone! I do not approve of ANY hateful remarks towards any individuals or groups of people. This page is for dialogue and discussion and while disagreement and differing opinions is fine, as well as criticism of beliefs, personal atta...


Am I Right - Misheard Lyrics, Song Parodies, music humor and satire這一位風流的男人是誰? 有一個男人,他 19 歲娶了 18 歲的女友,24 歲時和只有 18 歲的秘書交往並結婚,28 歲見到好友 1 歲的女兒,開始光源氏計劃,在 31 歲到日本旅行認識一名 15 歲的女僕,隔年認識 10 歲的女孩,在日本旅行期間就周旋于女僕和女童之間,34 歲時又跟旅A music humor site dealing in misheard song lyrics (Mondegreens) for songs from the past 50 years including country, chrisitan music, and christmas music. Also featuring song parodies, jokes, quotes, lyrics, band name manipulations, and strange music triv...


IAmNotTheBabysitter - IAmNotTheBabysitter一名球員在酒吧看到一位性感美女,便去搭訕。 由於這名球員非常緊張,說道:“小…小…姐,我…我…我姓…姓…吳,能…能…能不能和…你…你聊&hellipSingle parents face many challenges when it comes to raising their children without the everyday presence of another guardian. Statistics indicate that there are over 12 million single parent families in the US today for a variety of reasons including div...
